This is probably a good place to start posting. A very good place to start. I am working backwards here. It is actually February, 2014 and I am better able at this time to archive my exhibitions. Sadly, many photos have been lost over the years but I have been able to hold onto some of my favorites.
The photo to the left is Nia and myself at my first college gallery. We literally just started dating again and here we are enjoying a wonderful evening. This was taken at Desoto Row in Savannah, Ga.

I was eventually offered a semi-permanent gallery space at the Bookstore Lady's Bookstore on Liberty. I came in and filled the space with whatever I felt like and swapped things out as I saw fit. It was a pretty sweet deal.
I really enjoyed these exhibitions because I was just getting started as a professional and my aesthetic was still forming (not that it ever stopped). Everything seemed like it was fair game and I had yet to experience and artistic block. I was free to make anything and everything I made excited me.

I did not arbitrarily choose the date for this posting. October 1, 2007 is when I began working full time for Advertising and Marketing Solutions Inc. I think about my artistic development in terms of pre and post AMS Inc.
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